Thank you for your interest in STARTALK at Queens University of Charlotte: Celebrating Chinese!
Here are a few tips before you begin:
Obtain the email address of a teacher who is willing to provide a brief reference for you. Without the correct email address, the teacher will not receive the reference request. Returning students do not need a teacher reference.
Be prepared to answer a few short answer questions about your motivation for enrolling in this program. Your responses do not need to be long.
If you have any prior experience learning or speaking Mandarin Chinese, be prepared to record a brief speaking sample and provide a link to your sample. If you do not know how to create a link to an audio file, please reach out to and we will help you figure it out so that you can submit your application!
Preview the entire 2024 application here before you begin:
TAs / TRAINEES: College students or recent college graduates can be hired in paid positions. Advanced students who have participated in our program in the past are excellent candidates for these positions, but prior participation is not required. Please reach out to with inquiries!
Email with questions about the program.
The 2024 application is now available!
Our application timeline shifted beginning with the 2023 program due to changes implemented by our sponsor, the National Security Agency (NSA), which allow us to offer pre- and post- program enrichment activities that students may complete online!
Pre-program activities begin with Chinese New Year in February. Students who receive a spot later may complete activities retroactively. Students who attend the program commit to completing pre- and post- program activities, including 1:1 online Chinese practice conversations with trained coaches.